
Jessie Hooper was a suffragette, political activist, and peace advocate during the early 1900s. She was very involved with women’s suffrage activism to secure equal rights for all citizens as well as being an avid supporter of prohibition in order to reduce deadly weapons in society. Hooper played an indispensable role in her era; however, some of her views put her at odds with progressives; for example she believed women should vote on alcohol consumption rather than women suffrage!

Jessie Jack was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, known for its passion, determination and fearlessness – characteristics which could explain her dedication to fighting for social justice and equality. Through tenacity and unwavering dedication she quickly established herself as one of America’s premier revolutionary leaders and activists.

As she is survived by four of her children Judith Braden, Teresa Barrett (and John) Richard Roberts and Patricia Jack; grandchildren; great-grandchildren and many family and friends, there will be a celebration of life held at Rhuarden, Croft Ronan Boat of Garten PH24 3BY on Monday 13 September 2021 to remember her.

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