Mochi, or glutinous rice balls, are irresistible treats; people of all ages love these elastic marvels that can be made at home quickly. Plus, their recipes make mochi an effortless part of celebrating Japanese New Year!

Mochi is made by pounding cooked rice until it forms into a dough, which can then be kneaded or pressed between molds to make cakes or treats. Mochikome flour (glutinous rice flour) is the cornerstone ingredient used in most mochi desserts. Pounding of the grain typically occurs by hand; however, there are households that own an usu (Jiu) that allows quicker production with minimal effort required.

Mochi is commonly thought of as a sweet dessert that contains fruit or other sweet fillings, however it has also become increasingly popular as an edible food item for its savory variations, including chicken or fish fillings, which can often be found frozen at American grocery stores.

Balakrishnan (Mohan), a police inspector, falls in love with club dancer Mayamohini (Kateena). However, Appukuttan (Pattela) objects and tells Mohan to leave. In retrospect, however, we learn that Pattela was actually a fraudster who duped Mayamohini into working at his company where she later left him to find revenge; so she flees with Mohan and later discloses herself and assists his investigation.

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