N N Nudes

N N Nudes are photos, paintings, or sculptures depicting naked human bodies – usually that of an artist’s model or someone who has chosen to pose naked – taken either for artistic reasons or simply out of personal interest. Nude art has become popular within naturist photography; although some question whether this constitutes art as opposed to mere voyeurship. Nude figures may also appear in pornographer’s works although this too remains contentious.

Naturism can be found throughout some cultures, where individuals are able to easily find clothing-optional recreation spots ranging from privately owned campsites and resorts, official nude beaches such as Playa del Duero on Lanzarote (Spain), public parks and buildings where individuals may go without clothing and organizations that support social nudity such as British Naturism Magazine BN (British), Going Natural/Au naturel (French Naturism) and Australian Naturist Federation are widely practiced by naturists who practice social nudity within society.

Some non-naturists take nude photographs of friends and family with the consent of those photographed, often considered candid naturism. There are various websites which publish submissions from photographers as a form of candid naturism; other photographers create naturist paysites where they upload images featuring nude or partially nude bodies; however this could also constitute voyeur pornography; these paysites sometimes categorize photos using “subject sex”, with some using NN for non-nude pornography to categorize these photos appropriately.

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