Lolaeri are an engaging duo who combine the sensual energy of female and male energies, creating an unforgettable and captivating performance experience for their audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Boasting tattooed and pierced bodies as canvasses for self-expression that’s both raw and genuine, Lolaeri bring depth to their performances by sharing stories behind each tattoo or piercing; their naked beauty and unbridled passion makes for an electrifying performance!
Lollobrigida has graced the screens alongside actors like Connery in Women of Straw (1964), Borgnine in Go Naked in the World (1961) and Alec Guinness in Hotel Paradiso (1966). She earned a nomination for a Golden Globe for playing Francesca Gioberti on CBS series Falcon Crest between 1984-1987 – she even appeared as Jane Wyman’s half-sister Francesca Gioberti!
Okaeri was an extremely poignant movie for me, as it so poignantly highlighted Yuriko’s loneliness in her marriage and reminded me how important it is that wives support their husbands.
I thoroughly enjoyed how beautifully the film was shot, utilizing beautiful scenery and character portrayal. Additionally, it highlighted some attitudes prevalent in contemporary Japanese society – for instance the notion that men’s careers take priority over family matters. Overall I thought this movie was phenomenal and highly recommend watching it!