Goddess Venus Femdom

Venus, as the Greek Goddess of love and beauty, is often depicted with naked bodies or surrounded by cherubs or handmaidens as symbolic representations of Agape (selfless, nurturing love), Eros (romantic passion) and Pragma (mature, longstanding affection).

Venus is unashamedly feminine, sexual, and proud – she embodies all aspects of femininity without shame or reservation. Passionate, impulsive, and fierce as an individual she can also serve as a nurturing Goddess who provides comfort, healing, and rejuvenation.

Roman mythology held Venus sacred as the goddess of love, relationships, pleasure, sex and fertility. She is considered an ancestor to Roman people through Aeneas and is revered in various cults around the globe under various names.

Classical Greek plays depict the Goddess as both seductress and noble maiden, possessing both powers to seduce her lovers into submission. Her seduction trap lures men in while her power allows her to dominate them according to her will.

Venus, as Goddess of the Arts and Beauty, delights in creating beautiful things through painting, sculpting and writing poetry as well as being associated with music and dancing.

One of the most famous symbols of Venus is known as the Venus de Milo statue by Alexandros of Antioch from 150 BCE. Over time, Venus became synonymous with female beauty both romantic and sex related; she came to represent this idealized idealized female idealization.

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