Bigfit Onlyfans has quickly become one of the most lucrative money-making platforms online during lockdown. Open to everyone, but most notable for amateur pornography content creation, Bigfit Onlyfans creators make money through subscription fees, pay-per-view posts and tips – becoming even more well known due to celebrities like Beyonce referring to it and Leonid Radvinsky (of MyFreeCams fame) recently taking over as director.
Amrapali Gan, OnlyFans’ CEO, considers their success’remarkable’ – earning $391 million without needing venture capital financing – but not without challenges, such as decreasing pandemic restrictions reducing demand and competition from new startups trying to take away its market.
Celebrities like Bella Thorne have claimed they made over $1m in one week using OnlyFans, while YouTuber Tana Mongeau claimed she earned $3m monthly. Unfortunately, only a small number of users have publicly discussed their earnings; also unknown is how many are using OnlyFans as a primary source of income; one OnlyFans creator called Tai became viral for sharing videos showing that her stepdad subscribed and spent thousands of dollars purchasing sexual content from OnlyFans creators like herself.