Little Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is the protagonist of the Scooby-Doo franchise and co-starred with Fred in both film adaptations as well as being voiced by her husband Freddie Prinze Jr. for both animation series Scooby-Doo and Friends and Robot Chicken. Additionally, she made guest appearances on several episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place.

From the outset of the series, there has been speculation that Daphne and Fred may be romantically involved; this speculation was never officially confirmed, though in direct-to-video films it was suggested they may have an open relationship.

Daphne visits the Russo house during Family Game Night of Season 2, inviting herself to play. While at their house, she flirts with Justin without reciprocating his interest; later becoming alarmed after seeing Jerry and Theresa fighting about Alex cheating on them and then shockingly confesses her feelings to Justin who flees back to his dorm after hearing this news.

At Russo Residence, she met fellow students Spencer Griffiths and Mikayla Martin. Upon investigating their computer screen and learning that an unknown force may have breached it, she joined Spencer and Mikayla Martin to Bloom Innovative Headquarters where they discovered Tobias Bloom to be nothing more than an illusion created by Carol herself in order to steal other student inventions and take ownership. Mikayla rejoined Spencer at Ridge Valley High.

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